"Our Crew" Banner

"Our Crew" Banner


Made from high quality duck cloth canvas, we created this banner to hang in your home or wherever you need that reminder of how precious these days are with family.

44 in long x 18.5 in wide
Comes with a wooden dowel rod and twine to hang.
Some slight wrinkly (on purpose) but easily steamed or ironed out or a neater look.

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The Story Behind: 
Truth & Co. was a dream that began long ago for Anisa & Casey.  Before a house, before kids, before life got... wonderfully more complicated.  Regardless of where you are at in the journey, this "Our Crew" Family Crest serves as a decorative reminder, for how a family begins and ends and what matters most along the way.


We became one then grew
Our family, our home
Me & You

With walls that see it all
Our dances & downfalls
Tears & laughter
Echoing through the halls

Moments that remind us
It's love that truly binds us
To a story
Much bigger than we know

May we
Treasure each hug & kiss
Be quicker to forgive
And always believe
What is good & true

As each day we remember
This crew begins & ends
Me & you
